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by digby

I’m beginning to think the Republicans want to scuttle this plan. Why else would they even contemplate something like this?

President Bush will address Americans directly about the financial crisis tonight at 9 p.m. ET, and his spokeswoman said Wednesday the nation risks “calamity” without bold action.

I’m only being halfway facetious. I do wonder if they actually want to pass this bail out. Paulson’s original plan was so outrageous, so “in your face,” it strikes me now that they might not have been serious. And now this?

If they really do want to pass something, this decision to have Bush speak to the nation indicates that they may foolishly believe they can revive that thrilling sense of national panic after 9/11 and get the public to rally behind their Dear Leader one last time. But the problem is that this time the enemy isn’t a bunch of foreigners. In fact, an awful lot of people blame President Twenty Percent and his greedy friends.

If they think they can trot out Bush and remind people about historical moments in his presidency, they’re right. But they’ve made a miscalculation. This isn’t 9/11. It’s Katrina.


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