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by tristero

With all due respect to Barney Frank, he unwittingly fell into the trap:

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., the lead House Democrat on the issue who had been in close talks with Paulson for days, accused Republicans of refusing to negotiate.

‘At this point, we have absolutely no participation or cooperation from House Republicans,’ Frank said.

While talks are set to resume Friday morning, any hopes of a clean, bipartisan legislative effort have broken down and the prospect of emergency weekend work on Capitol Hill looms large.

In other words, what we need is someone to make everyone sit down and cut the bullshit. Just like St. John McCain says he is prepared to do with the real Shia and Sunnis. And don’t for a minute think this September Surprise won’t work with the hoi polloi.( Or that there won’t be an October surprise even more grandiose and dramatic than this one.)

What to do? If they are truly serious about solving the financial crisis – which has the unfortunate aspect of actually being really real – then first, Congress should adjourn until that narcissistic idiot McCain is safely out of town. The second step? Blame McCain for any and all delays. The third step? Blame McCain. Get it?

This isn’t about obstreperous Republicans blocking a needed financial bailout because it doesn’t fit some whacked ideology. This is about a campaign bailout. McCain’s campaign bailout. The focus must remain entirely on his manipulativeness and his deeply unserious meddling in affairs he has not the slightest ability to understand. Once he slinks away, the very serious business of what to do can be addressed.

And then it’s time to blame House Republicans for being ideological dingdongs.

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