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Working It Out

by digby

Watch this pivot. I just heard Roy Blunt say that while he hopes there is a bipartisan bill, everyone should remember that “Democrats can do whatever they want to do here.”

As many of us noted days ago when Paulson presented the bill, this is the big play for the Republicans. Ed Rollins said it last night: they need to revive their party and the way they do that after a typically disastrous GOP presidency, is to throw the president overboard as not being a “true conservative.” (I’ve been talking about this principle literally for years.)

Do they care about the country? Sure, in their own way. They think that the most important thing for the country is for Republicans to win the election. I am sincerely hoping that Democrats feel the same way. If the problem with the markets is a lack of confidence, electing more Republicans is only going to exacerbate the problem.

Even though McCain and Palin have revealed themselves as the Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan of politics and they’re both running around without their panties, it’s not obvious to me that this will ultimately work against them. In this freak show of an election anything can happen. The Dems should take no chances.


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