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Creationism: The IDiocy That Just Won’t Die

by tristero

Here we go again:

The Brunswick County school board is looking for a way for creationism to be taught in the classroom side by side with evolution.

“It’s really a disgrace for the state school board to impose evolution on our students without teaching creationism,” county school board member Jimmy Hobbs said at Tuesday’s meeting. “The law says we can’t have Bibles in schools, but we can have evolution, of the atheists.”

When asked by a reporter, his fellow board members all said they were in favor of creationism being taught in the classroom.

The topic came up after county resident Joel Fanti told the board he thought it was unfair for evolution to be taught as fact, saying it should be taught as a theory because there’s no tangible proof it’s true.

“I wasn’t here 2 million years ago,” Fanti said. “If evolution is so slow, why don’t we see anything evolving now?”

The board allowed Fanti to speak longer than he was allowed, and at the end of his speech he volunteered to teach creationism and received applause from the audience. When he walked away, school board Chairwoman Shirley Babson took the podium and said another state had tried to teach evolution and creationism together and failed, and that the school system must teach by the law.

“Evolution is taught because that’s what the General Assembly tells us to teach,” Babson said, adding that she doesn’t agree with it, but that students must learn it to graduate.

Let’s be clear here. It against the law for the state to establish a religion. Creationism is a religious teaching. There is no, none, zero, zip, nada scientific evidence for creationist teaching such as “intelligent design” creationism. It cannot be be taught in the public schools in science class or in any other class as fact.

It’s also incredibly expensive to try to teach creationism. The Dover school board in Pennsylvania ended up spending $1 million of taxpayer’s money when all was said and done, money that could have spent educating children.

h/t darksyde

UPDATE: Hoo boy, There’s something in the water in Brunswick County’s school system. Commenter Wilm provides a passel of links to some creepy behavior:…ID=200770619006…schools/12/2007…e_filed/03/2008…09180243/0/NEWS…-given-time-out

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