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Coming To Their Senses

by digby

It seems as though the American people now understand that Barack Obama isn’t some kind of foreigner from an other planet and that McCain is a crotchety old kook:

PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama leads John McCain, 50% to 42% among registered voters in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday — just one point shy of his strongest showing of the year.

These results, from Sept. 25-27, span the time period since John McCain made the announcement that he was temporarily suspending his campaign and returning to Washington to work for a bipartisan solution to the financial crisis, and since Congressional leaders first announced progress towards the resolution of a financial bailout bill. The results also include one complete day (Saturday) after the first presidential debate on Friday night. McCain had reached a point where he was tied with Obama earlier in the week, but Obama has gained steadily in each of the last three days’ reports. Overall, Obama has gained four percentage points over the last three days, while McCain has lost four points, for an eight-point swing in the “gap” or margin.

It’s not just the debate. This only includes Friday Saturday. But I expect that between Obama’s calm and intelligent demeanor during a crisis, McCain’s antics of last week and the surreal Palin show, a lot of people have stepped back and realized that they can’t succumb to the usual trivial culture war tribalism this time.

Let’s hope so, anyway.


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