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You Can Kiss That $700,000,000,000 Goodbye Forever, People

by tristero

When Tony Snow resigned as Bush’s press secretary because of cancer, Commander Codpiece reassured us that Snow would completely recover. Not mind you, that he merely wished or prayed for Snow’s recovery, but that he would get healthy. On a personal level, I felt very bad for Snow when I heard that because I knew Churchill Jr. was a pathological liar – Bush certainly had been told the cancer was terminal. And sure enough, less than a year later, Snow was dead.

Today, according to CNN:

Addressing the $700 billion cost, Bush said that “much, if not all, of the taxpayer funds we invest will be paid back.”

In short, we have just lost $700,000,000,000.

Still feeling optimistic, people? You have no reason to be:

The government’s planned financial bailout is a significant if costly step intended to avert economic calamity, but it may not be the last one, according to economists and finance experts.

This disaster, so patently a function of Republican ideology and incompetence, would, in a rational world, be the death knell for movement conservatism, if not the Republican party itself. But we live in a bizarro world where it is very likely that precisely the opposite will happen.

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