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Leading Contender For Greatest Darwin Award Winner Ever

by tristero


A Metrolink engineer driving a commuter train sent a text message about 22 seconds before the train collided with a Union Pacific freight train last month, the National Transportation Safety Board said Wednesday.

That’s about as stupid as it gets. Then again, even now, Bush’s popularity is unconscionably high so maybe they’re a lot of folks who would have done the same thing:

Just 15 percent of Americans approve of the way President Bush is handling the economy, while 78 percent of Americans disapprove. Even a majority of Republicans disapprove of the President’s handling of this issue.

Overall, the president’s approval rating has dropped five points from last week and is now the lowest of his presidency. Only 22 percent of Americans approve of the job he’s doing, while 70 percent of Americans disapprove – a new high.

Special note for the satirically-challenged amongst us: Of course I know that’s incredibly low. That’s the joke…oh, never mind.

By the way, I remember, when I was pointing out – tongue firmly planted inside cheek – that Bush in the low thirties was way too high, that commenters primly lectured me that 1/3 approval represented the hard core base of BushSupport, that it really couldn’t get much lower and I just should accept it. Heh, indeed.

Don’t be surprised if Bush makes it to around 15% before he slithers back to his sea-ment pond in Crawford. And even that is an undeservedly high approval.

Meanwhile, I have a text message I need to send…

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