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Keating Economics

by digby

If you haven’t seen this film on McCain and Keating yet, I urge you to watch it and pass it on. I’ve been groaning about Keating for some time and I can’t tell you how happy I am that the Obama campaign is firing back with both barrels after McCain started his October smear campaign.

The thing is that McCain really does have a history of being involved in exactly the same kinds of deregulation schemes that brought us to this current financial crisis. After Keating, he created his come-to-jesus “reform” persona around campaign finance reform, which is all well and good, but he did absolutely nothing to rein in the excesses of the marketplace. He’s a maverick in name only. He toed the GOP company line when it came to the really important stuff.

People don’t know this story and they need to. This is a good place to start:


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