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Wind-Up Doll

by digby

If anyone knows John Roberts on CNN, could you please tell him to cut the sanctimonious crap and stop interrupting and lecturing guests about “name calling” when they are arguing about important political differences? The two presidential candidates’ economic advisors Holz Eakin and Goolsbee had to endure being scolded by Roberts over and over again — and he was just wrong. They weren’t name calling, they were disagreeing over some pretty important things. They are both respected economists, not “political strategist” hacks and we are in the middle of a hotly contested, extremely important election. Roberts apparently can’t tell the difference between real political argument and swiftboating nonsense.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if Roberts weren’t the ditziest mannequin on cable TV (and that’s saying something.) But it’s extremely irritating to have to watch this empty suit treat his guests like children and then pat himself on the back as if he’s accomplished something. Ken dolls should be seen and not heard.


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