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Is There Anyone Worse Than Alan Colmes?

by dday

In this clip, Robert Gibbs is humming along with the perfect response to Sean Hannity’s Ayers obsession, asking if Hannity is an anti-Semite because he had a known anti-Semite as the centerpiece of his recent smear job on Barack Obama, and Alan Colmes throws the lifeline:

Hannity is bobbing and weaving, knowing that he’s caught, hiding behind this idea that he’s a “journalist” and he talks to a lot of people with whom he disagrees, which is completely besides the point because he made this Andy Martin guy the centerpiece of his show and completely agrees with his thoughts about Obama (Greenwald has much more on Martin), and being forced to confront the toxic sewer in which he and his right-wing cohorts swim every single day… and along comes Colmes, defending his partner by saying “Sean is not an anti-Semite.”

That’s not the point, Alan. The point is how the common winger guilt by association tactic is simply idiotic. It’s called a logical construct. But I guess Hannity was feeling too much heat, and somebody in the booth zapped Colmes and told him to do his duty as the Fox News “liberal” lickspittle.

Pathetic. But good on Robert Gibbs, if you’re going to go on TV with these clowns, this is how to do it.


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