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South Dakota Pro-Coathanger Law Redux

by tristero

Lunatics in South Dakota are trying again to bring back coathanger abortions bigtime. The first time, it failed by a distressingly small margin because there were no exceptions in the case of rape and incest. This time they have indeed written “exceptions” into the law. But they’re bogus exceptions:

According to Marvin Buehner, a pro-choice Rapid City doctor who specializes in high-risk pregnancies, the law, even with these exceptions, would ‘amount to a total ban.’ As Dr. Buehner told the Washington Post, ‘If there’s a risk of a Class 4 felony if I don’t meet the ambiguous standard of ‘serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily organ or system,’ there’s no way I would consider doing an abortion for health reasons. This represents incredible government interference in the practice of medicine.’

It is high time to corner McCain and Palin on the South Dakota initiative, pin them down as to whether or not they support it.

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