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Proposition Hate: Armageddon?

by tristero

NY Times on the anti-marriage amendment in California known as Proposition 8 (aka Prop Hate):

“This vote on whether we stop the gay-marriage juggernaut in California is Armageddon,” said Charles W. Colson, the founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries and an eminent evangelical voice, speaking to pastors in a video promoting Proposition 8. “We lose this, we are going to lose in a lot of other ways…

Let’s hope so.

Vote NO on Prop Hate.

Note: If you click on the link, you’ll discover that I left out the final clause of Colson’s rant. That’s because there is no basis in reality for his hysterical and ludicrous assertion that “freedom of religion” is endangered by permitting people who love each other to marry. Unlike the NY Times, I see no reason to confer status on ignorant, extremist fear-mongering by repeating it.

Special note to the rightwing and others having difficulty comprehending the English language: Of course I support freedom of, and from, religion. I have a long public history of that support.

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