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Slouching Toward Washington

by dday

Can you believe the nerve of this guy?

In a conference call with Connecticut reporters on Friday, Lieberman bristled at the media’s coverage of the McCain campaign’s negativity. “You guys are going down a road, you have contributed to the demeaning of our politics by this kind of focus,” Lieberman said. “I mean, give me a break. Have any of you been out listening to me?”

“When I go out, I say, ‘I have a lot of respect for Sen. Obama. He’s bright. He’s eloquent.’ Someday, I might even support him for president,” Lieberman told a conference call of Connecticut reporters. “But now in the midst of this series of crises, John McCain is simply so much better prepared that that’s who I am proud to support.”

Lieberman also said that if McCain doesn’t, “I’m going to do everything I can to be bringing people … together across party lines to support the new president so he can succeed.”

Actually, sure I can. Lieberman is a suck-up to power as much as the rest of them. But the revisionism – a week before the election – is a little too much to take. He has spent the entire election questioning Obama’s patriotism and pushing the basest smears and lies.

The chairmanship that Lieberman now holds has the authority to conduct oversight on the federal government. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Lieberman wouldn’t abuse that power in the event of an Obama Administration. Regardless of the number of Democrats in the Senate, there is no way that Lieberman should be allowed to maintain that chairmanship. His choice of caucus partners is his decision. But his seniority should be gone. This weasel move to get back in everybody’s good graces is pathetic.


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