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by digby

From the ACLU:

There is a human cost when gay couples are denied the fundamental right to marry. The stories of three couples from New Mexico demonstrate what thousands of couples in California stand to lose if their right to marry is taken away on Election Day. It is important that we save marriage in California so couples in other states can have the hope to marry, too. Please forward and share this video with everyone you know in California and ask them to vote NO on Prop 8.

I didn’t write one of those heartfelt prop 8 posts yesterday since dday did such a beautiful job of it. But I will repeat something I wrote once before that I think is important about this vote: young people have the opportunity to do something very special in casting their first vote for the first African American president. But if they come out in the huge numbers we’ve been expecting here in California, they could also cast their first vote to directly ensure equality for their fellow man in the great civil rights battle of the early 21st century. It’s a vote they will remember and be proud of for the rest of their lives.

This good for the country and good for them too. Once they’ve had the heady feeling of making a difference, they’ll know what it is to be part of something real and meaningful and they’ll stay engaged long after this election. That’s what this whole ground-up, people powered politics is all about.


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