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Sharp Tip

by digby

This is such a great idea, I hope all the Randites adopt it and it sweeps the nation:

Glenn Harlan Reynolds is a law professor at the University of Tennessee and author of the blog “Instapundit.” His wife, Helen Smith, is also a blogger as well as a forensic psychologist who writes this blog. Yesterday she came up with an idea to deal with uppity Obama voters, at least those who are waiters and waitresses. In a post, linked to by her husband, entitled “Should You Tip Less in an Obama Administration?”, she writes:

I often tip generously both because I have been a waitress and because I think it is important to reward people who work. However, if Obama gets in (and it is still an if), perhaps tipping less or not at all would be a good way to save money as a way of “going John Galt.” Yet, is it fair to the person who is stiffed? What about a compromise, just tipping less? What do you think?

So Dr. Helen’s idea for “going John Galt” is to get and other “Atlases” (picture of her husband) to not only stop holding up the world but stop tipping those who only hold up plates and trays for these world carriers.

That will teach them to vote Obama! To be fair, she doesn’t actually advocate stopping the practice, well common courtesy, of tipping. She is simply proposing “just tipping less.” Don’t stiff them, just cut their wages down. After all, they’re paid a whopping $2.01 per hour to bring you your lunch.

As if this weren’t arrogant enough, she then goes even further, suggesting that along with a lower tip, other “Atlases” should leave notes, referencing Obama:

I’ve been thinking. If Obama is elected, maybe in lieu of a tip I should leave a note like the following:

HOPE AND CHANGE FOR AMERICA: Spreading the Wealth Around.

In lieu of a tip, $_____ has been donated to the Re-Elect Obama for President Campaign. Thank you for supporting the man and the movement that are bringing America together!

If enough people leave notes like this, I’m sure it will galvanize waitpeople everywhere in support of The One!

That’ll teach ’em to vote for Obama. Why all those dumb waitresses will get so mad at Obama because their customers are giving him their tips that they’ll never vote for a Democrat again! A wicked, cunning plan, it is.

It’s a good thing that Dr Helen is a psychologist who studies dead people because her understanding of living human behavior is seriously lacking.


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