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by digby

They are going back to their roots. I would look for this in Arizona and New Mexico, but it could crop up in any of the western states and Florida too.

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Stop Obama’s Aunti and 10 Million Illegal Alien Voters
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 11:54:37 -0600
From: MinutemanHQ

National O

Minuteman Poll Watch 2008

Stop Obama’s Aunti and 10 Million Illegal Alien Voters Report Voter Fraud

7558 W. Thunderbird Road Ste. 1 PMB 622 Peoria, AZ 85381 &nb sp; Phone (520) 829-3112
ALERT: All Minutemen, Minutemen Supporters and Patriots Operation “Poll Watch 2008” We Need Minutemen at your Local Polling Places Tuesday, November4th – All Day and Night Call Your Local Campaign Office TODAY Ask Them if Obama’s Aunti Is Registered to Vote? Tell to Keep Illegal Alien Away for the Polls as You Will Be Watching Is Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunti Zeituni Also A Registered Voter? 2008_poll_watcherAccording to the AP story : ‘Obama aunt from Kenya living in US illegally’ By EILEEN SULLIVAN and ELLIOT SPAGAT, Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as “Aunti Zeituni” in Obama’s memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judg e who denied her asylum request. I must ask the question – If experts believe there could be more than 10 million such illegal immigrants in the United States – does that also mean that 10 million illegal votes could be cast as a result of incompetence and or blatant fraud? I have received so many positive responses to our call to civic duty – as Minuteman poll watchers. We discover we have many Minuteman volunteers who are officially inside the polls as watchers and many others who will be positioned outside the 75-100 ft. neutral zone that surrounds polling locations. Just as a neighborhood watch, civic minded Americans will be working to keep our polling locations safe and secured to those who have the right to vote in our elections. Along with illegal alien workers who display blatant disregard for our laws to enter the U.S. we also know that last year alone in the just the Tucson sector of Arizona over 46,000 arrested and convicted murderers, sexual predators, drug dealers and violent criminals re-entered our country after they committed crimes in the U.S. and were removed by deportation. Could they have also cast a vote in your state? We know millions of illegal aliens who have stolen identities of U.S. citizens could also be casting illegal votes. Not only should we stand vigilant to ensure the rights of all who have a legal right to vote to do so in safety and assurance of the integrity of the system. When you vote, please insist that your poll worker asks for and checks your I.D. The right to vote is precious and the future of our democracy hangs in the balance. Protect yourselves with video cameras and spend a few hours at your local polling places and be vigilant to document anything that may be out of the ordinary or suspicious especially the busloads of people who will arrive at many locations around the country. Please wear your MCDC hats and shirts and follow the SOP – no verbal contact, just quiet and vigilant observation and documentation. Remember that in 2004 the Columbus Dispatch reported that illegal alien Nuradin Abdi—the suspected shopping mall bomb plotter from Somalia—was registered to vote in the battleground state of Ohio by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a left-wing activist group. Also on the Ohio voting rolls: convicted al Qaeda agent Lyman Faris, who planned to sabotage the Brooklyn Bridge and had entered the country fraudulently from Pakistan on a student visa. [“Long gone but still registered Ohio’s Election Day rolls include people who couldn’t—and shouldn’t—vote, October 24, 2004, Jon Craig The Columbus Dispatch”]

There are many more documented accounts of rampant voter fraud from Wisconsin to Florida but thankfully not here in Arizona, voters made sure of that by passing prop 200 in 2004. However in many other states fraud is actually encouraged and many organizations will likely aggressively oppose basic ID requirements at the polls. And they have legions of attorneys standing by to protect people potentially voting illegally from election officials who ask for proof of I.D. who will be accused of harassment and intimidation. They will be accused of disenfranchising the poor and the minorities—never mind the damaging effect of unchecked voter fraud on law, order, and the integrity of ou20080925_01r electoral system. WHO: Thousands of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Volunteers
WHAT: Operation “Poll Watch 2008”- A national muster to make sure legal U.S. residents and registered voters are allowed to vote. WHEN: November 4th, Nationwide

WHERE: On Duty at Local Polling Locations in Every City and Town in the United States. Our Government is still NOT DOING ITS JOB! On November 4th Minutemen will be on duty to be sure you get to vote. YOU can make a REAL DIFFERENCE. So, for your sake, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, and for generations to come, please help MCDC continue its fight to protect and preserve the United States of America and defend our Constitution. Select Here to Donate to the November Operations Support Fund a=1854 Sincerely for these United States,

Chris Simcox, President

Carmen Mercer, Vice President

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