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Cyborg Socialism

by digby

Schwarzenegger November 1st:

He also took issue with Obama’s plan to roll back Bush’s tax cuts for the top brackets, as well as the Democrat’s statement to Joe the Plumber that he believes “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

“I left Europe four decades ago because socialism has killed opportunities there,” Schwarzenegger said. “. . . Now Sen. Obama says he wants to pursue the same ‘spread the wealth’ ideas that Europe had decades ago.”

Schwarzenegger November 5th:

Schwarzenegger’s call for tax increases puts him again at odds with legislators in his own party. Republicans, a minority in both houses but strong enough to block spending plans, were steadfastly against raising taxes in the last budget, and the state Senate’s GOP caucus chairman said that won’t change.

“The fact is that during this time of economic challenges is not the time to go back to California taxpayers and ask for more money from them,” said Sen. George Runner, of Lancaster.

The governor often has characterized California’s budget problems as being caused by runaway spending, rather than a lack of tax revenue, but he said Thursday that the severe financial crisis has flipped that.

“It is now a revenue problem rather than a spending problem,” Schwarzenegger said.

I guess there’s socialism and then there’s socialism. Those deregulated, free market fundamentalist “opportunities” have turned our economy into a Big Shitpile™.

H/t Dover Bitch

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