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Take A Cold Shower

by digby

… and shut up.

Ok, that’s it. I agree that Sarah Palin is a disaster. She was a terrible choice for VP and undoubtedly cost McCain votes among those who couldn’t believe he’d choose someone so unqualified. I hope we never see her again. I shed no tears for her loss.

But this obsession among the gasbags and the wingnut operatives with this story of her greeting these (apparently very, very delicate) male McCain advisors in a towel is just sexist crap. They are basically trying to turn her into some kind of slutty, lowlife freak and it’s disgusting.

The woman had no business running for VP considering her complete lack of knowledge about national politics and current events. I think that’s been amply demonstrated. But the men who chose her are now obviously the ones who are trying to destroy her in order to cover their own sorry asses:

“What about Sarah Palin?” Schmidt asked.


After that first brief meeting, Davis remained in discreet but frequent contact with Palin and her staff — gathering tapes of speeches and interviews, as he was doing with all potential vice-presidential candidates. One tape in particular struck Davis as arresting: an interview with Palin and Gov. Janet Napolitano, the Arizona Democrat, on “The Charlie Rose Show” that was shown in October 2007. Reviewing the tape, it didn’t concern Davis that Palin seemed out of her depth on health-care issues or that, when asked to name her favorite candidate among the Republican field, she said, “I’m undecided.” What he liked was how she stuck to her pet issues — energy independence and ethics reform — and thereby refused to let Rose manage the interview. This was the case throughout all of the Palin footage. Consistency. Confidence.

And . . . well, look at her. A friend had said to Davis: “The way you pick a vice president is, you get a frame of Time magazine, and you put the pictures of the people in that frame. You look at who fits that frame best — that’s your V. P.”

Those who were in charge of McCain’s campaign, including the man himself, chose her for her looks and robotic, unresponsive stubbornness. They are in no position to complain about what they got. And they are pigs for trying to make something out of this towel thing.

Unless she flashed you her privates and gave one of her winks, it doesn’t mean she wanted to fuck you in front of her husband, fellas. She was covered. Grow up.


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