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Center Wrong Watch

Well, it’s been proven. The country is definitely center-right:

In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday, 59 percent of those questioned think that Democratic control of both the executive and legislative branches will be good for the country, with 38 percent saying that such one-party control will be bad.

“That much good will from the public opens a window of opportunity for the Democrats,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. “But the public expects results and may not listen to excuses for very long if a Democratic Congress and a Democratic White House can’t get their act together in time.”

The poll also suggests that the public has a positive view of the Democratic Party, with 62 percent having a favorable opinion and 31 percent an unfavorable opinion.

That is not the case for the Republicans, with a majority, 54 percent, having an unfavorable view of the GOP and 38 percent holding a positive view.

“The public has a positive view of the Democratic Party, while the GOP ‘brand’ is hurting. Overall views of the Democratic Party have gone from 53 percent favorable in October to 62 percent favorable now; the GOP overall has seen a 5-point drop in its favorable rating,” Holland said. Video Watch how pessimistic the nation is »

The 62 percent figure is the “the highest opinion of the Democrats in at least 16 years, since before Bill Clinton got elected,” said Bill Schneider, a CNN senior political analyst.

“When has the Republican Party image ever been that bad? Answer: when the Republican Congress impeached President Clinton at the end of 1998,” Schneider added.

This can only be interpreted to be a mandate that the new administration needs to bring as many of these unpopular Republicans into the administration and enact as many GOP priorities as possible.

And, by the way, the country hasn’t been “center-right” for quite some time. This is yet another example of the villagers thinking they are the representatives of Real America — just as they did when they staged the world’s biggest hissy fit over Bill Clinton’s zipper. It’s all about them.

Update: Via Sadly No, here’s a wonderful idea from a man who is widely anticipated to be running for president already:

Q: Any management advice for the next president? How does he rally a depressed nation to meet the challenges we face?

Mittens: He should forget entirely about reelection and focus solely on helping the nation at a critical time. He should dismiss the people who helped him win the election and bring in people who are above politics and above party. He should surround himself with statesmen and economists, businesspeople and leaders. In some ways it would be beneficial if our presidency consisted of only one term. That way the President would think about his legacy and the future of the country rather than reelection and partisanship.

It certainly would be “beneficial” for Mitt. It’s the only way he’s is likely to become president in 2012.


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