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Every Vote Counts

by dday

We’ve been following the Ted Stevens/Mark Begich race in Alaska, which initially seemed to be more than a little strange, what with its low turnout despite the first Alaskan on a major-party Presidential ticket in history. Well, they kept finding extra votes, not a few at a time but thousands and thousands of them, so that the turnout is relatively in line with expectations, though still low (of course, the Presidential race was essentially called at 4pm local time, so some drop-off can be expected). And they’ve started to count those votes. And based on the latest tally, Begich leads by three.

Not three points. Three votes.

I don’t know if that includes Track, Bristol, Willow, Trig, Twig, Salad Spinner, Lipitor or Stag Tunnel Palin, who is the crucial swing vote.

There are still about 40,000 votes left to count, and they apparently come from areas that favored Begich in the initial count.

Anything that keeps Sarah Palin out of the US Senate and all over cable news where she apparently belongs is a good thing.

…davenoon at LGM notes that the Alaska Independence Party candidate got 10,000 votes, which at last count is a lot more than three. Big thanks to Todd Palin for contributing to their growth.

NOTE: It’s up to an 814 vote lead for Begich now.


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