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He Made Us

by digby

I just watched Evan Bayh try to explain to Rachel Maddow why Lieberman needs to keep his chairmanship. Bayh explained that they have no choice because Lieberman is threatening to leave the Senate if he doesn’t get his way — and the Connecticut Governor will then name a Republican who will never vote with them. And if he stays and doesn’t get what he wants, he will be “embittered” and then vote against them on close votes out of spite. So in order to do what’s necessary for the country they need to give him what he wants.

I guess that’s what putting “country first” means.

Bayh was just embarrassing. He’s going to have to pop a fistful of viagra and watch some “24” just to persuade himself that his testes are still descended after that pathetic performance.

They should just get this over with. Watching these people willingly (pretend to) cower like beaten dogs before Holy Joe’s threats is just depressing. Just do it already.


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