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Joining The Impact

by digby

Dday is tracking stories of the Prop H8 Join The Impact protests today over at Calitics. If you went, you can go over there and do a diary or you can leave a story in the comments to this post:

I’m headed down to the e-board meeting, but I wanted to again mention the Join the Impact rallies in support of marriage equality today, in over 300 cities in all 50 states. Organizers expect over 1 million people to attend nationwide. Stay with Calitics all day, we’ll have site reports from at least 7 locations across the state and the country – San Diego, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Francisco, Sacramento, Chicago, IL, and Albuquerque, NM. Hopefully we’ll have pictures and video from some of those events as well. If you’re going to a JTI event, write up a diary and we’ll post it on the front page. To find an event in your area, check the wiki.

Meanwhile, I’m not sure that we need to walk on eggshells about the somewhat, shall we say, eccentric aspects of the Mormon church anymore, considering this. If you’re going to spend millions of dollars to be intolerant you have to expect that people are going to be intolerant right back.


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