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by digby

Tweety and other gasbags, including Christopher Hitchens(an extremely thoughtful critic as always) are all wringing their hands about Obama’s possible choice of Clinton as Secretary of State because he promised change and this is so not it. He’s destroying his mandate before our very eyes.

In other news, Obama is also known to be considering keeping Bush administration cabinet member Robert Gates as secretary of defense, and former secretary of State and war architect Colin Powell is breathlessly mentioned being on the short list for a number of posts. This strikes everyone as being a perfect example of how Obama is bringing change to Washington.

I know the Republicans are busily trying to airbrush George W. Bush out of history, but the people who served him actually did serve more recently than any Democrat. Keeping them in the cabinet or inviting them back is not actually change unless you think Obama’s message of change actually meant “keeping Republicans in charge.”

Clearly, the political establishment assumes that’s the only possible definition, but I’m not sure that’s what the people meant when they voted for change. (A fair number of them may have even voted for a change back to the good economic times under Democrat Bill Clinton.)

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