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Shoulda Become A Republican

by digby

Damn, wingnut welfare is awesome:

Joe the Plumber’s latest small business? Apparently: himself. JTP’s deeply researched, carefully edited, thoughtful, and not at all hastily-put-together-to-capitalize-on-his-media-celebrity-before-it-expires treatise on The American Dream—written “with” spiritual novelist Thomas N. Tabback—is slated to be released December 1. Yes, of this year. Oh, and it will be titled, humbly and rather delightfully, Joe the Plumber: Fighting for the American Dream. To celebrate—and to ensure that copies of the book are sold!—YOU THE PEOPLE can now obtain a Freedom Membership from Joe’s hastily-put-together-to-capitalize-on-his-media-celebrity-before-it-expires Web site, The Membership, like Freedom itself, ain’t free…but the $14.95 yearly fee practically pays for itself! With it, you’ll get:

1) Total Access to “Joe The Forum” where you may chat directly with Joe
2) Subscription to the “Joe The Blog” monthly newsletter
3) Free Shipping on all “Joe The Plumber” merchandise
4) Free Signed Copy of Joe’s forthcoming book “Joe The Plumber” – Fighting for the American Dream
5) Become an integral part of an American movement to restore our government to the people

And don’t forget that he’s working on a country music record contract too. I think his first album is going to be called “There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute: Songs by Sam The Con Man.”

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