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Ti Many Mortoonis

by digby

I don’t know who this Republican Senator is, but he sounds drunk:

“Jeb Bush could do so much for our party, but his name is Bush,” the senator says. “Maybe he should use his middle name, Ellis — Jeb Ellis! Or I could adopt him, and he could use my name!”

Like Atrios, I wonder why in the hell Roger Simon is giving anonymity to sitting US Senators to have a stream of consciousness dialog that should have remained inside his own head. But that’s our village.

This is priceless, though:

“We have to become much more attuned to the rhetoric and issues that Hispanics care about,” the senator says. “We have to talk about education, family, and moral issues like gay marriage and abortion.”

Yes, they really should stop hiding their position on those issues. It’s killing them.

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