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Pardon My French

by digby

Stop the presses. Tucker Carlson is still a huge asshole.

He says Bush should pardon everyone in sight. And he seems to be under the misapprehension that he’s some sort of a wit:

Scooter Libby. For the same reason: It’s immoral to let people who work for you suffer for your sins. Whatever Libby did, he did on behalf of his superiors. A pardon is the least they owe him. Also, it would drive Paul Krugman crazy. Really crazy. Even crazier than he is now.

Some things just never get old with people who failed to progress beyond the 7th grade. Like fart jokes.

He pretends to be upset that Bush hasn’t pardoned more people, but this silly column is really just an excuse to regurgitate a bunch of wingnut cant:

Clinton went to one extreme – accepting favors to exonerate Marc Rich, pardoning Puerto Rican terrorists. Bush responded by going to the other. Typical political overcorrection, but a shame nonetheless.

No mention of this one, but then there wouldn’t be since he thinks pardoning all of your loyal henchmen is what pardons are for.

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