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Big Plans

by digby

The country has been brainwashed by the right into believing that the government should be run like a household, which means that when things get tough, it needs to pay off its debts and save money rather than spending. This works out very well for the conservatives, who hate government spending on anything that doesn’t directly benefit their wealthy benefactors. But it’s disastrous for the country at a time like this. Not that they care.

The fact is that the need for government spending, on a pretty massive scale, is beyond ideology and politics at this point. It’s Keynes 101 and those who are fighting it are anachronistic captives of a bankrupt Hooveresque ideology.The only question really, is how much and where.

To engage the debate, Campaign For America’s Future and over 100 economists and experts have formulated a stimulus plan that might actually fix the economy — and much more.

The Main Street Recovery Program

A group of economists and progressive organization leaders have drafted this Main Street Recovery Program to meet urgent needs unaddressed by efforts to shore up Wall Street financial institutions. This program calls for substantial, strategic, and sustained investment in the real economy—a bold plan to not only address the impact the current recession is having on ordinary Americans but to reshape the economy for the 21st century. We intend this recovery program to be the basis for immediate action by the Obama administration and Congress in the coming weeks.


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