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Meltdown In Sacramento

by digby

Dday has been blogging the nuclear meltdown that’s going on in California’s capital right now, with the government a hairsbreadth away from bankruptcy. It’s very, very ugly and if you don’t think the bankruptcy of the most populous state in the union will impact your life, think again. The cascading of this problem is a serious danger to everyone. To those of us who live here, it’s a nightmare.

At this moment, it looks like they may pass enough of a small placeholder budget to get through a couple of weeks. But there’s no way of knowing if the Governor will sign it if it hits his desk. The government is both dysfunctional and broke, not a pretty scenario.

For those of you who are econ geeks, this is a story worth following. The best place to do that is at Calitics. They are, as far as I know, the only California progressives following this in detail.


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