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Goldilocks Politics

by digby

Discussing the appointment of John Brennan as counterterrorism advisor, Andrea Mitchell and one of my least favorite “Democratic strategist’s” Michael Feldman, sat down to share a steaming pile of beltway compost:

Andrea Mitchell: But Michael, what about the blogosphere? Liberal critics have been hammering John brennan, putting up all this stuff. now they’ll start going after Steve Kappes, who hasn’t even said yes yet, although Panetta hasn’t even asked him to stay on. How do you answer that side of the equation, people who say “look, what we didn’t know what was going on in the first couple of years of Bush Cheney is what we object to?”

Feldman: Well, look, I think President-elect Obama has been very clear. There are some decisions where folks on the left aren’t going to be happy, there are some decisions where folks on the right aren’t going to be happy. When you’re hearing from both sides, you generally think you’re headed in the right direction…

(Pat Buchanan said many on the right were very reassured by Obama because they’d thought he was “Jeremiah Wright’s guy.” Seriously.)

Let’s look at this. First of all, I think it’s clear that Glenn Greenwald is now one of the most powerful men in the world by dint of writing a handfull of critical posts about Brennan which a small number of bloggers linked to and commented on. It has evidently shaken the American intelligence community to its foundations to such a degree that they are quaking in their boots in anticipation of another onslaught of liberal blogging firepower directed against Steve Kappes, which hasn’t even happened yet.

This week, Grenwald is discussing the Isreali-Palestinian conflict, so I would expect a settlement by Monday at the latest. Such is the awesome power of the Glenzilla.

(Meanwhile, Gary Farber has been wondering why there has been so little said about the troubling issues surrounding Dennis Blair’s complicity in the genocide in East Timor. It’s a good question, but just goes to show you that unless the mighty liberal blogosphere weighs in, nothing happens.)

But let’s go back to Mitchell and her friend Michael Feldman, for a moment. Perhaps you’ll recall this memorable moment from a couple of months ago:

Mitchell: Let’s talk about the State department and foreign policy. John Kerry, widely anticipated to be at least one of the people considered, really wants the job, although with joe Biden leaving the foreign relations committee,if he doesn’t get the job, he would be the foreign relations chairman because he has the seniority.What about John Kerry as Secretary of State? How hard is it to be Secretary of State with Joe Biden as Vice President?

Feldman: What I saw the other day is the domino effect of Kerry as Secretary of State might put the Democratic caucus in a position where Senator Feingold would be the next up to chair the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and of course that poses a whole series of problems so…

Mitchell: Why does it pose a series of problems?

Feldman: Well, because of Senator Feingold’s opposition to the war and I think that would immediately, his vocal opposition to the war, I think that would immediately then raise some issues for the caucus and for leader Reid..

Mitchell: But the president [elect] of the United States is opposed to the war…

Feldman: This is true, but I think they’ll want in foreign relations is maybe a more even handed person. Ben (sic) Nelson’s name has been floated there as a potential consensus pick…

Juuuust right.

Update: The village in all its glory:

POOL REPORT 2 — Café Milano was packed, wall to wall, standing room only as nearly 400 A-listers showed to up salute Brit Hume for his career in broadcasting. A huge cake in the shape of the Capitol was wheeled out to a champagne toast set to elegant piano music. Notables included: Guest of honor Brit Hume and his wife Kim Hume, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Shepard Smith, The Vice President, Liz Cheney, Ed Gillespie, Bob Woodward, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson, Andrea Mitchell, Alan Greenspan, Gwen Ifill, The Honorable Donald Rumsfeld, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Secretary Elaine Chao. Ted Koppel, Irena Briganti, Ann Compton. Bo Derek. Don Graham, Maureen Dowd, Fred Thompson, Debbie Dingell, Dennis Ross, Senator Elizabeth Dole and Bob Dole, Tom Ridge, Senator Joe Lieberman and Hadassah, Bret and Amy Baier, Bill Hemmer, Megyn Kelly, John F. Harris, Oliver North and Robin Sproul.


— Shepard Smith talking to Charlie Gibson

— Maureen Orth, Jane Harman and Andrea Mitchell smiling and laughing in a front corner of the restaurant

— Maureen Dowd looking fetching in a chocolate-colored dress with her flaming red hair blown out straight

— Sen. Joe Lieberman and wife Hadassah lamenting about yet again getting on a plane — That’s all we do! she joked


— Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke both spoke warmly about Brit, how long they’ve known him and been friends with him

— Roger Ailes’ speech focused on Brit lending credibility to a nascent Fox News back in 1996. Ailes joked that once Republican Murdoch heard he hired Brit Hume, he didn’t ask any more questions about the launch.

There you have it.


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