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“Proper Privy Council Inquiry Into The Origins And Conduct Of The Iraq War.”

by digby

This is interesting. Apparently it wasn’t just Cheney who strong armed members of his government into creating a basis for an illegal war:

Fresh questions over the legality of the Iraq war were raised today after the government admitted it could not substantiate its claim that Lord Goldsmith had changed his mind over the legal basis for the invasion before a highly controversial meeting with two of Tony Blair’s closest allies.

The admission has revived allegations that the former attorney general was pressured to revise his opinion that an invasion could be illegal without an explicit UN resolution.

Opposition MPs have renewed calls for a full Iraq inquiry in light of the new information.

The revelation comes ahead of a ruling on whether the government should publish minutes of two prewar cabinet meetings at which Goldsmith’s advice was discussed.

Two weeks before the invasion, in March 2003, Goldsmith gave Blair a detailed legal opinion that doubted its legality.

Six days later, on 13 March, Goldsmith met Lord Falconer, then a junior minister, and Sally (now Lady) Morgan from Blair’s office.

On 17 March, he published a single-page parliamentary answer, asserting that the war would be legal on the basis of existing UN resolutions.

In 2006 Richard Thomas, the information commissioner, ordered the government to disclose details of the process by which Goldsmith had come to his revised conclusion.

However, rather than requiring the publication of actual documents, Thomas allowed the government to publish a narrative account and include material that was not based on documentary evidence.

The Cabinet Office then issued a “disclosure statement” which claimed Goldsmith had informed his legal secretary of his new opinion before he met Morgan and Falconer.

But in response to a new freedom of information request, it has admitted it has “no information” to support this sequence of events.

The Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, Ed Davey, told the Guardian: “This latest revelation shows there is no evidence to back up government claims that Lord Goldsmith was not leant on by Blair’s inner circle before deciding the war would be legal.

“We may never know the full truth but, as the official version slowly unravels, the credibility of Goldsmith’s changed legal position is further called into question. A full inquiry is our only hope that we can force the full truth out.”

The Tory shadow foreign secretary, William Hague, said: “It is surprising that the Cabinet Office is unable to supply further information on this matter.

“This adds yet further weight to the case for a proper privy council inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Iraq war.”

Last November, Lord Bingham, a former senior law lord, said Goldsmith’s view was “flawed” and called the invasion “a serious violation of international law and of the rule of law”.


It emerged during the tribunal hearing in November that the minutes could prove there was insufficient cabinet discussion of the legality of the war.

The attorney general missed the first cabinet meeting, on the day that he reached his new conclusion, but attended the second, at which the cabinet was presented with his single-page view.

Most ministers were not shown Goldsmith’s original advice or told that he had expressed doubts on the issue.

The former minister Clare Short has claimed that she was prevented from asking Goldsmith why he had taken so long to provide an opinion and whether he had any doubts.

Why Blair threw in so hard with Cheney on this, I’ll never understand. It’s true that the foreign policy elite in both countries were in agreement and that any attempt to stop the steamroller would have been seen as a rupture of the special relationship. But Blair seemed to sincerely buy into the whole thing with the fervor of the most committed neocon. It’s not that I would have expected him to be French or anything, but his enthusiasm for the project was disconcerting.

It appears the Brits aren’t unwilling to play the blame game and it will be very, very interesting if they manage to find out just what it was the Blair people told Goldsmith to make him change his mind on something so significant as the legality of an invasion. Maybe someday we’ll do something like that here in the US.

h/t to bb


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