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by digby

Via Pam’s House Blend, here’s Jon Stewart on the inauguration. (The Rick Warren bit is especially rich…)

.cc_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url(‘’) !important;}.cc_links a{color:#b9b9b9;text-decoration:none;}.cc_show a{color:#707070;text-decoration:none;}.cc_title a{color:#868686;text-decoration:none;}.cc_links a:hover{color:#67bee2;text-decoration:underline;}

.cc_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url(‘’) !important;}.cc_links a{color:#b9b9b9;text-decoration:none;}.cc_show a{color:#707070;text-decoration:none;}.cc_title a{color:#868686;text-decoration:none;}.cc_links a:hover{color:#67bee2;text-decoration:underlinI confess that my tolerance for the gasbags during this inauguration period has been stretched to the limits. I can hardly bear them during normal times, but when there is a big event like a state funeral or this inauguration and they riff and pontificate for hours about “meaning” it’s nearly unbearable.

These are the times when I desperately need The Daily Show and Colbert. If it weren’t for them, I’m afraid I’d start to think I’d gone crazy.
c_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url(‘’) !important;}.cc_links a{color:#b9b9b9;text-decoration:none;}.cc_show a{color:#707070;text-decoration:none;}.cc_title a{color:#868686;text-decoration:none;}.cc_links a:hover{color:#67bee2;text-decoration:underline;}
If you missed last night’s show, you can watch it here. The interview with Bishop Gene Robinson is a gem. (Pam’s got the transcript at her place if you can’t watch the vid.)


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