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Heads On A Stick

by digby

People think that California is run by initiative and it is. But it is also run by a couple of talk show hosts out of LA. (The government is completely dysfunctional.)

The talk show hosts, who were instrumental in the recall of Gray Davis, are still calling the shots:

“Immediately head to your battle stations,” blared John and Ken on their hugely popular Southern California conservative radio show on Thursday.

The conservative duo — blasting on the powerful KFI station — had put the Republican lawmakers quoted in The Bee’s story about potentially raising taxes in their crosshairs.

Their targets were GOP Assemblymen Anthony Adams, Mike Duvall and Roger Niello. (And, later in the show, Sen. Abel Maldonado, who was quoted in a MediaNews story saying he could potentially vote for tax hikes to balance the budget.)

Pictures and phone numbers for all four lawmakers were posted on their Web site at various points.

“Then start calling these bastards. This is war. War!” John and Ken shouted.

The radio shock jocks promised a “huge tax revolt steamroller coming at them.”

If you have any doubt about the conservative pull on GOP lawmakers to never support taxes, Thursday’s program will set you straight.

“We’re going to get these heads on a stick!” John and Ken pledged at one point. “Heads on a stick!”

Two of the GOP foursome braved the program.

Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, said he would never support taxes, which he called “absolutely insane,” but was simply characterizing the state of negotiations in Sacramento.

“I’m not endorsing the situation whatsoever,” he said.

Adams, R-Hesperia, went on to defend the possibility of tax hikes. “I think taxes stink,” he said. “They suck.”

But Adams said raising taxes may be necessary given the political and economic climate.

“I dare with the full knowledge that this will probably be the end of a political career for me. But the fact of the matter is California is in a place where they need people who are willing to sacrifice their own personal agenda for what’s right,” Adams said.

He was raked over by the radio hosts for his stance.

Said one host: “You guys always talked a tough game, but you always rolled over for the Democrats when it came down to the final vote, so I don’t have any sympathy for you. You guys talked, but you didn’t act. You always voted with the Democrats, at least enough of you did every single freaking year. And now you’re going to come to us for money?”

“Yes,” Adam replied.

“No,” said the host, as the other laughed. “How about no.”

He added, “You may be right about your career.”

Torlakson and O’Connell will host twin press conferences together, one in San Leandro in the morning and one in Los Angeles in the afternoon.

These are two of the anti-tax, immigrant bashing Lou Dobbs populist right and I would expect their ilk are going to be heard from frequently as the debate over the economy rages on. They were instrumental in the destruction of California with this anti-tax nonsense and they have a way of appealing to people who are not normally right wingers with their irreverent style and their message has resonance with people who aren’t well versed in economic issues because it has a certain faux common sense logic. They are worth keeping an eye on.


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