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Tortured Comedy

by digby

Our political elites are just wonderful people. They fight over what to do about the little people by day and get together at off-the-record black tie dinners at night and joke about torture.

At last night’s black-tie dinner at Washington’s Alfalfa Club, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) couldn’t resist cracking a joke about torture. Politico’s Mike Allen reports:

More from Senator Lieberman: ‘We had hoped Vice President Cheney would be here tonight. I hope it’s not his back injury that’s keeping him away. Apparently, he hurt it moving some things out of his office. Personally, I had no idea that waterboards were so heavy.

Last year, Lieberman, who has voted against banning waterboarding, “reluctantly acknowledged” that he doesn’t believe that waterboarding is torture. “It is not like putting burning coals on people’s bodies. The person is in no real danger. The impact is psychological,” he said.

This is the man who went to the Senate floor and gave a long sermon about how the president’s sexual indiscretion was destroying the moral fabric of the country.


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