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Blogging The Origin: First Full Rehearsal

by tristero

It’s been busy up here in Oswego, NY as we prepare for the premiere of The Origin , my new piece about Charles Darwin. I don’t have much time right now – I’m teaching four classes today, then have meetings with Bill Morrison, the filmmaker, and Julie Pretzat, the conductor, then a dress rehearsal in the evening – but I did want to post a couple of quick and dirty pictures from my iPhone for you from the first full rehearsal of the entire ensemble. There are so many performers – close to 200, I believe – I couldn’t get them all in one shot! But here’s at least a bit of the orchestra and chorus:

And here’s a quick pic of the awesomely great Balkan music ensemble KITKA rehearsing “The Voyage of the Beagle.”

It’s going to be an amazing performance.

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