Barking Mad
by digby
Chris Hayes has a must read article in The Nation about the Blue Dogs.:
I’ve spent the past few months trying to sort out why the Blue Dogs get so much attention. The best I can tell, there are two main reasons. One has to do with the organizational mechanics of the Blue Dog caucus, which is more unified and cohesive than any other in the House. The other has to do with the ongoing Beltway love affair with “fiscal conservatism.”
Yep. And until we kill that phony meme, and put the Blue Dogs down, it will continue to make it nearly impossible to enact liberal legislation. The Republicans start unnecessary, hugely expensive wars and enact massive tax cuts, thus starving the beast, and then posture and preen like a bunch of fastidious schoolmarms when they are out of power. And the village just goes with that flow.
Someday we’ll have a real debate about ideology, results and the meaning of “responsibility.” Until then, they make our world and we just live in it.
Update: Be sure to read this piece by Jane Hamsher about what those fabulous indigo boys ‘n girls have in store for us.