Good Reads
by digby
Brad Delong has written a very interesting post explaining how Milton Friedman cleverly figured out how monetary policy could be the road back into the mainstream for the laissez faire crowd after that embarrassing little problem in the 1930s. Unfortunately,as we are finding out now, it doesn’t always work.
And this article in Harper’s by Luke Mitchell about why we just can’t have single payer health care is so profoundly disorienting I could barely get through it. But it’s important to understand the strange dynamics of this twisted system. (Subscription unfortunately required, but go buy the magazine or read it at the library. It’s worth it.)
Finally, check out Jane Hamsher’s piece from today about the relationship between the Obama administration and the press.I wish I could say that this would be positive for progressivism, but I doubt it. We don’t need a media that kisses up to power or operated on the basis of how much they want to have a beer with the president. They need to do their jobs, period.