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The Smartest Men In America

by digby

Joan Walsh sez:

Watch Saturday Night Live’s hilarious takedown of Congressional Republican leadership. Dan Ackroyd returned to play John Boehner with Darrell Hammond as Mitch McConnell, and together they lead a debate over who’s smarter, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, ponder whether to impeach Obama now or in April, and plot a creative line of attack against Sasha and Malia Obama, noting “The whole country is waiting to see those kids taken down a peg!”

You can click here for the vid.

It’s especially funny in light of today’s article about Little Newtie Junior in the NY Times. I’ve said this before, but I really believe it’s true. The country put up with juvenile tabloid media and right wing political sociopaths during the 90s because things were going pretty well. They aren’t now, and the Republicans are nuts to try to relive their glory days. But it’s their privilege and they are well within their rights to do it.

The problem is that they have just enough juice to take the country down with them if the Dems allow them to meddle in legislatio (or worse, get involved in any kind of “entitlement reform”) when they have made it clear that their strategy is to screw the economy for political advantage. If this article in Politico is correct, it sounds like the white house now recognizes that their fetishizing of bipartisanship actually handed the Republicans a big fat club. All they had to do was say no and Obama had “failed.”

And they need to figure out how to shake loose the village conventional wisdom and make a better case to the American public. Obama’s popularity is not a magic bullet — recall that the most loathed president in history once had a 90% approval rating.


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