Protesting The Brownies
by digby
If you don’t read anything else this Sunday besides your Oscar ballot, read this interview with Darrell Vandeveld, the former Guantanamo prosecutor who resigned in protest, by The Talking Dog (the latest in his remarkable series of interviews with lawyers involved in the legal morass of the Bush administration’s War on Terror.)
Mr Vandeveld is a man of integrity, not just in his unwillingness to go along with these miscarriages of justice and human decency, but in his unusual honesty in revealing his own motivations and evolution of thought. It’s fascinating stuff.
Seven prosecutors have resigned from the military commissions process in protest. These aren’t bleeding heat liberal hippies — they’re prosecutors. And from this man’s account, these prosecutions are so tainted by disorganization alone that it’s nearly impossible to imagine that justice can be done.
It appears that there is no aspect of the Bush administration that wasn’t run by a malevolent and/or incompetent “Brownie” to some extent or another. At this point, it’s hard to ignore the possibility that this was the plan all along.