Two Whole Days
by digby
…before the got around to trashing Ty’Sheoma Bethea. From Joan Walsh:
I thought it would come from Michelle Malkin or Rush Limbaugh, but Malkin is too busy planning her anti-tax tea parties while Rush gets ready for his close-up at the Conservative Political Action Committee this weekend (which is a collection of nuts so nutty even Sarah Palin stayed away).
No, it was the conservative Washington Times that cast the first stone at Ty’Sheoma Bethea, the Dillon, S.C., teenager who wrote to Congress seeking stimulus funds for her shamefully dilapidated school. Obama used her statement, “We are not quitters,” as the coda of his speech Tuesday night, but now the Moon-owned paper tells us what’s wrong with Bethea, in an editorial with the condescending headline, ‘Yes, Ty’Sheoma, there is a Santa Claus.”
Of course, they are full of crap as usual, but it doesn’t stop them from just making things up.
They really seem to take special joy in going after kids that speak out on public issues. See, they think it’s wrong when politicians use them for political purposes and they have no choice but to expose this exploitation.
Well, not always. This was just fine:
LYNN FAULKNER: My wife, Wendy, was murdered by terrorists on September 11th.
ANNOUNCER: The Faulkners’ daughter Ashley closed up emotionally but when President George W. Bush came to Lebanon, Ohio, she went to see him as she had with her mother four years before.
LINDA PRINCE (neighbor): He walked toward me and I said Mr. President this young lady lost her mother in the World Trade Center.
ASHLEY FAULKNER: And he turned around and he came back and he said I know that’s hard, are you all right?
LINDA: Our president took Ashley in his arms and just embraced her. And it was at that moment that we saw Ashley’s eyes fill up with tears.
ASHLEY: He’s the most powerful man in the world and all he wants to do is make sure I’m safe, that I’m OK.
LYNN: What I saw was what I want to see in the heart and in the soul of the man who sits in the highest elected office in our country.
Just let your mind wander a bit and imagine what the wingnuts would say if that ad had featured Ty’Sheoma and Obama. Honestly, I shudder to think.