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Celebrity Cretin

by digby

Karl Rove is on Stephanopoulos this morning.

What do you have to do to become a pariah in the Village? Launch nuclear war? Would that even be enough? The man is the architect (as named by his creature George W. Bush) of the program that destroyed the country. If we can’t put him in jail, shouldn’t he at least have the decency to disappear from public view while the rubble is still smoking?

Meanwhile, NBC is obsessed with using the DOW as “the metric” for the economy. Somehow, they got the directive that they have to find a “metric” for assessing whether or not Obama is successful and this seems to be what they’ve settled on. It’s ridiculous, as even their own money people have said over and over again on their programs all last week, but they persist.

I’m sorry that their 401ks have been decimated. It’s true for everyone. But the Dow operates on its own logic most of the time. If the fundamentals of the economy turn around, we’ll have plenty of “metrics” with which to measure it — and eventually the stock market will reflect that as well. It’s infuriating to see them cling to some edict in a memo from Chuck Todd long after you’ve seen every financial expert on their own network tell them they’re all wet.

Update: And by the way, Harold Ford needs to be pulled from the rotation. He goes on every show saying that he sure hopes the stimulus works but “who knows?” and if it doesn’t, well, then maybe the Republicans deserve to win. It’s not helpful. Having two buckets of lukewarm water like DeeDee Myers and Ford face off with snarling political animals Mike Murphy and Joe Scarborough is a mistake.


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