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Presidential Pork

by digby

Where, oh where, will the liberal profligacy end?

First daughters Malia and Sasha Obama got a big surprise after school Wednesday: a brand-new swing set.

They squealed with delight upon seeing it, a spokeswoman for the first lady said.

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, went to work while the girls were at school, having the set installed on the south grounds of the White House within sight of the Oval Office, where their father spends plenty of time.

Late last year as the couple planned the family’s move to Washington, they had discussed with the chief usher at the White House ways to make the historic residence feel more like home for their girls, said Katie McCormick Lelyveld, a spokeswoman for Michelle Obama.

Malia and Sasha, ages 10 and 7, had never lived anywhere but Chicago.

“Many first families have made these sorts of changes to make the White House feel like home,” McCormick Lelyveld said. “This one is like their little mark.”

The 100 percent cedar and North American Redwood structure has four swings, including a tire swing, a slide, a fort, a climbing wall and climbing ropes. There’s also a picnic table with brass plates etched with the names of all 44 presidents, she said.

“They ran right for it. They were really, really excited. All four of them,” McCormick Lelyveld said.

The girls named the swing set “checkers” and gosh darn it, no matter what Michelle Malkin says, they’re going to keep it.

h/t to david t, who recognized that we all needed a little mood lightener at this point in the week.

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