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Feed The Hungry Cobra

by digby

All of us are hopeful that Obama can pass some kind of universal health care program within the next year or so, but nobody is hoping more for it than those who are uninsured or hanging on to their insurance by a thread. When recession hits and people lose their jobs or have a hard time piecing together enough temprorary and short term work to pay for their insurance (if they are lucky enough to even have it) this issue becomes life or death for some people.

Our friend and fellow blogger Susie Madrak is one such person. She needs to keep her expensive COBRA going (new insurance not being possible for “pre-existing conditions” dontcha know) and is having some trouble raising the scratch to do it. If you have a couple of bucks to spare, she could use a little help.

It’s pretty insane that anyone should be in this position in the richest nation in the world, but that’s where we are. And it’s why I want to throw the remote through the TV when people start kvetching about how Obama will have to put off his “big plans” because we have to bail out the bankers to the tune of several trillion dollars. For people like Susie and many millions of others, this isn’t some vague dispassionate policy argument or a debate about whether or not they should get to keep their million dollar bonuses. Their lives literally depend upon fixing this.

It’s unconscionable and outrageous.

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