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by digby

The head of the Republican Party explained the economic issues facing the country today. Here’s a rundown of his statements:

Rush turned next to Obama and the G-20, airing clips of Obama saying: “People losing their homes, losing their businesses that they’ve worked so hard for, losing their health care in the United States; people around the world who were already desperate before the crisis and they find themselves even more desperate afterwards — that’s what our agenda has to begin with, and that’s where it will end.” Rush says this is wrong — people aren’t “losing” their homes, “we’re paying them to stay in their homes.” Rush then offered his translation of this clip — Obama’s not only going to spread your wealth around in America, he’s going to spread it around the world. Then he attacked Obama for “blaming” the global financial crisis on the United States, saying that all these G-20 conferences are about blaming the U.S., the only difference is that now we have a president who is also willing to blame America. Back from the break, Rush took one more caller, a woman concerned about GM plant closing in Texas and asking if Texans will have any sway over the White House’s plans for GM. Of course not, says Rush, look at the stimulus. Rush claimed there is an “unconstitutional” provision in the stimulus that empowers state legislatures to accept stimulus cash if the governor doesn’t want to. It’s the same with GM — if they’re going to close plants, it’s Democratic politics, according to Rush, to close plants in Republican states because Obama wants that “chaos” and “misery” in Republican states.

That sounds about right. Obama’s taking Real Americans’ hard earned money to give it to deadbeat (Mexicans) so they can keep their houses — while blaming America.
The inane gibberish about Texas speaks for itself. If his audience can make some kind of sense from that God bless ’em because somehow they managed to learn to speak a language from another planet.
Meanwhile, the GOPs intellectual and spiritual leader characterized the US relationship with Great Britain this way:

I’m surprised he missed the opportunity to make some “Queen” jokes.

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