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by digby

I’ve been remiss in failing to acknowledge today’s great news in Vermont. This time they can’t say it was judicial activism or executive fiat that “gave” gay people the right to marry. The legislature did it. (I’m sure they will find some way to make it seem illegitimate anyway, but it’s going to be tough. It’s democracy in action.)

One of my favorite readers made a fine suggestion: reward Vermont by buying some Vermont products — maple syrup, teddy bears (those are actual Vermont Gay-Bride Teddy Bears,) cheese and, of course, Ben and Jerry’s. Mmmm. In these tough times, it’s a nice, practical way to say thank you.

Update: More progress. And if it’s signed, it will go to the US Congress. I wish I thought they were ready to let this happen, but I doubt it.

On the other hand … I recently watched a movie called Amazing Grace about the abolition movement in England. Banning slavery was very difficult, but they finally got it done, and in the end it was through a side door legislative maneuver. It can happen.

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