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Naked Taser

by digby

Apparently, being naked is cause for electrocution these days. (Warning NSFW — and not safe for people who get upset at seeing people being screaming in pain.)

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.

The police were patient and tried to get this person to put his clothes back on. But after five minutes of talking they shot him full of electricity to get him to comply. What would they have done in this situation before tasers? Put a bullet in him?

Oh, and I really love the gleeful commentary of the person who posted this video on Huffington Post:

The officer grabs the gown and tosses to the Naked Wizard, but he casts it away again. Then the cops put on their rubber gloves, and things get ugly. Herewith, the best Tasering video since “Don’t Tase me bro!”

The people in the crowd don’t seem to be having so much fun watching this guy get tasered. Maybe hearing the screams of pain up close and personal isn’t quite as enjoyable as it is on TV.
The Great American Torture Continuum: as long as it doesn’t cause pain and suffering equal to organ failure or death, it’s all good.

h/t to to everyone who sent this in.

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