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So Soon?

by digby

I’m sure Republicans will now shun him for being a quitter:

GOP candidate Jim Tedisco, who trailed by 401 votes as of yesterday’s vote count, has called Murphy to concede, according to Murphy spokesman Ryan Rudominer. (The latest vote count puts Murphy ahead by 399 votes.)

Murphy takes over in the seat from its previous Democratic occupant, Kirsten Gillibrand, whose appointment to the United States Senate set up the special election for this marginal district.

The election was on March 31, three and a half weeks ago, but it took this long to get a winner because it was so close and involved a lengthy process of counting and litigation of absentee ballots. Still not all of the ballots have been reported in, but it became very clear over the last few days that there was really no way Tedisco could have pulled it off.

Tedisco has released a statement, saying among other things:

“This was a close campaign every step of the way. Ultimately, it became clear that the numbers were not going our way and that the time had come to step aside and ensure that the next Congressman be seated as quickly as possible. In the interest of the citizens of the 20th Congressional district and our nation, I wish Scott the very best as he works with our new President and Congress to address the tremendous challenges facing our country.”

If Ginsberg and the boys weren’t sop busy keeping the Senate short one vote by any means necessary, I’m sure they woulod have found a way to prolong this too. Just for the practice.

You know what to do — pledge a dollar-a-day to tell Norm Loserman that it’s time to be as big a man as Jim Tedisco and call it a day.

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