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As California Goes …

by digby

Congratulations to dday, the Courage Campaign and the LA Democrats, for pushing through the resolution at the California Democratic Convention to begin an inquiry to (potentially) impeach Judge Jay Bybee. This was a truly grassroots effort that came out of simple human outrage that a man who authored those repulsive torture memos could possibly be allowed to pass judgment on others as a judge in one of the highest courts in the land.

The next step will be to make the California Democrats — and there are a boatload of them — do what their state party wants them to do. More on that tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I couldn’t be prouder of my pal and colleague dday who really pushed this thing into the blogosphere and testified at the convention for passage. Just shows to go you that some of us bloggers aren’t just cheeto eating blowhards. Those of you who are in LA should come to the Santa Monica Drinking Liberally next Thursday and help me get him drunk.

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