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Making The Grade

by digby

It’s hard enough to believe CNN has actually reassembled their election night team to “grade” Obama on his first 100 days and then tell us what to think about his press conference tonight, but they actually had people write in with grades for their Senators, which is based upon, as far as I can, tell absolutely nothing — and is obviously being freeped. (Right now you have exactly 1 minute to grade Tim Geithner! Hurry!)

This whole 100 Days ritual navel gazing has always been stupid, but they’ve reached unprecedented heights this time. They’ve turned it into a Major TV Event, in which the only thing that actually happens is that the usual fatuous gasbags blather on for hours about nothing in advance of a mundane press conference. Talk about riveting television.

The good news for the team is that the consensus is that Obama is popular and doing well. The bad news for the country is that shallow, puerile psuedo analysis never actually helps anything.

I think I’ll take a nap. Wake me when the world begins again.

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