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Swine In Minnesota

by tristero

Did I just call Michele Bachmann swine? I did not! I would never, ever insult such intelligent animals as pigs with such a vile, baseless comparison:

I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter. And I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence

Oh, and by the way, apparently, she’s wrong or she’s lying. According to the link, the last outbreak of swine flu was under Ford. A Republican.

As per my previous post, there may be a tie between Smithfield Foods, which donated heavily to Republicans in 2002/03 and the swine flu outbreak. So, most likely, Bachmann will be followed by others who will insist that investigations of Smithfield’s unbelievably filthy hog raising practices – which are outrageous even if they are not responsible for the swine flu outbreak – are just a liberal plot to turn the country vegetarian. Think I’m kidding? This is from the former head of Smithfield:

“The animal-rights people,’ he once said, ‘want to impose a vegetarian’s society on the U.S…”

Yes, indeed, Republicans have some kind of strange and pathetic cognitive deficit.

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