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Zombie Waking

by digby

Earlier today, Howie held a Blue America chat with progressive Virginia state legislator Margi Vanderhye Cox, who is BA’s first endorsement of the year. You are probably wondering why we are endorsing an incumbent Virginia state legislator, but there’s a very good reason for it: she is being challenged by one of the dirtiest GOP operatives in American history, Barbara Comstock.

I’ve written a lot about Comstock over the years and Jane did a full dossier, here; she’s one of those Zelig types who turns up at every low down GOP smear operation, from Dan Burton’s witch hunts to the dirty campaign against Al Gore to her protege Monica Goodling’s installation at the Justice Department and Scooter Libby’s defense fund. Her fingerprints are on virtually every GOP dirty trick of the last 15 years.

Comstock, typically, is trying to enter elective politics by collecting huge money from the wealthy GOP establishment to take down a decent, true blue progressive incumbent. It’s what she does. And like Ralph Reed before her, she and people like her need to be shown that the kind of behavior they engaged in disqualifies them from ever holding office. There should be no reward for the sewer politics with which Barbara Comstock and her movement conservative cohorts made their bones.

Check out Howie’s post and Cox’s comments and if you feel moved to help ensure that a right wing dirt monger is given no quarter, you can donate to her campaign here.

As I mentioned, Comstock is a partisan hit woman with a long list of clients and is awash in dirty Republican blood money. Sadly, she is also is a villager in good standing, so I doubt the Democratic establishment will be much help here. (It could be socially embarrassing for them.) She might easily end up overwhelming this race unless Margi gets a hand up from the netroots.

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